
Monday, November 12, 2007

Had a BLAST at Swansboro "Paint Out"!!!!

OOPS members endured the brisk weather to enjoy another GREAT time of plein air painting together at our November "Paint Out" in Swansboro. Several new faces joined the ranks including artist Brenda Behr from Goldsboro. We met several people and were even interviewed by the Tideland News.

In addition to Brenda... the following artists were present...

Dean Remington
Karen Crenshaw
Donna Graham
Stephen Greer
Bernie Rosage Jr
Mitchell Morton
Earl and Donna Tyree
Pat Boni
Sandra and Gordon Adams
and Joseph ( a six year young artist).

A few of us gathered for a picture at the Otway Burns Statue...
Pictured left to right: Bernie, Dean, Karen, Mitchell, Donna, Stephen, Donna, and Earl.

Some new faces...



Earl and Donna
More photos and finished painting shots coming soon!


  1. You can see my photos from the outing here.

    There are also some photos of a short walk through Swansboro with Cindy Archbell.

    It was definitely a good time!

  2. one our OOPS members was heard saying, "I haven't had THIS much fun since second grade!" I was soooo impressed this day -- with the interaction of photographers, potential and new OOPS members,and THOSE with a genuine curiosity about what we were doing. thomas has an excellent eye with his camera -- as does Cindy. Welcome new members! ~Donna G

  3. Karen, thanks for such a GREAT site selction for 11/11! ~Donna G

  4. I had a GREAT time too! I can tell that this is the beginning of some long lasting friendships! Great spot indeed Karen.

    Excellent photos Thomas!

    Donna... Keep us posted on the newspaper article in the Tideland News.

    Thanks everyone... see ya next month!

  5. Thanks, all.

    The photographing is easy when I have such willing models!
