
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Plein Air artist and friend, Mike Rooney, starts blog to document his adventures!

Regional artist and friend, Mike Rooney, has stepped into cyber space a bit farther by starting a blog. He plans to share his thoughts and plein air adventures on it.

Click here to visit Mike's Blog... be sure to leave a comment..
Mike Rooney Studios
A place to show my most recent paintings and chronicle my life as a plein air landscape painter. Hope you enjoy it!

Mike and Bernie at Mike's solo show at the Baysden Gallery earlier this year...

If you ever get a chance to attend one of Mike's workshops... do so... you won't regret it!

Check out Mike's webpage and workshop schedule here...
Mike Rooney Studios

Mike plans to join us for a few "Paint Outs" when his schedule allows.

Mike lit a fire under me by double-daring me to paint 100 paintings. I've painted over 200 since his challenge in October 2006. Thanks Mike!


PS... Brenda... It's your turn... ;)

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