
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

September Paint Out for OOPS ~ 9th Annual Worldwide Paint Out sponsored by IPAP set for Saturday (10th) and Sunday (11th)!

WHAT: OOPS! September 2011 Paint Out in conjunction with the 9th Annual International Plein Air Painters WORLDWIDE "Paint Out." International Plein Air Painters is a blanket organization created for the sole purpose of advancing the execution and enjoyment of plein air painting without the restrictions and limitations of borders or regions.

WHEN: Saturday, September 10, 2011 from 9:00am until... 
and Sunday, September 11, 2011 from 9:00am until (most members will leave around 1:00pm to attend Mitchell Morton's opening reception at the Council for the Arts in Jacksonville beginning at 2:30pm.)

WHERE: Historic District of Downtown Wilmington, North Carolina near the waterfront on or near Front and Water Streets.

NOTE FROM BERNIE: The OOPS bunch will participate again this year in the IPAP Worldwide Paint Out to promote the tradition of plein air painting in our area. We will join forces with anyone wishing to join in on the fun in Wilmington this year. Its Southern Charm and subject matter plus the fact that we have several members from or near Wilmington made the location an easy choice. There are no rules to participate... simply show up when you can on the dates listed and paint. No directions necessary... simply follow HWY 17S (Market Street) straight to the waterfront area in Downtown Wilmington... there you can find plenty of lovely scenarios to paint. Please make sure you photograph yourself, your setting, and your painting to share on IPAP's facebook page after the event. I encourage group photos whenever possible. Please be able to explain the purpose of the Worldwide Paint Out and what Plein Air painting is in general to the public if they should ask. There are plenty of places to eat in the area with public restrooms on the boardwalk on Water Street. Please register on the link below so we can show IPAP that Tarheels love to plein air paint! Most OOPS members who paint on Sunday will leave early to attend our friend and fellow OOPS artist, Mitchell Morton's opening reception at the Council for the Arts for his Solo Exhibit.See you in Wilmington next Saturday and Sunday!

WHY: To support IPAP's devotion to promoting the tradition of plein air painting WORLDWIDE!

Newbies welcome... all mediums and skill levels... simply show up with your gear and be prepared to have fun! No worries... there are NO art-snobs in our group!

What the heck is OOPS and how do I join the FUN?

9th Annual International Plein Air Painters

Who: All plein air painters are invited to participate.
You do not have to be a member of IPAP but, you must register and help spread the word by publicity and word of mouth to other plein air painters.
When: Sept.9- 10-11, 2011 (Sept 10-11, 2011 for OOPS)
Where: Worldwide in organized official groups, pocket groups and individuals painting as part of the 9th annual IPAP paint out. (OOPS group painting in Historic Downtown Wilmington, NC near the waterfront near Water and Front Streets)

To register: There is no registration fee.
Go to
and fill out the form - please include
full name
affiliations (OOPS)
location (Downtown Wilmington, NC)
who you will be painting with (OOPS)
what publicity you can assist with.
We need your input to make this a success!

IPAP Website
IPAP Store
IPAP 9th Annual WW Paint Out Info
IPAP 9th Annual WW Paint Out Registration (free and recommended)
IPAP Facebook Page

OOPS in past IPAP Worldwide Paint Outs:

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