
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Photos from October and November Paint Outs!

Mitchell being serenaded by Dean...

Bonnie with her beautiful painting!

Bernie working at his new half easel!

Olivia painting at Richard Ray Park.

Bobbie and Jon found a great spot to paint from.

Donna at the pond at the Commons.

Join the OOPS artists as they paint throughout Onslow County... we'd LOVE to have you join us!
Here we are at the Sneads Ferry event organized by Sherry Thurston (thanks Sherry!) for the November Paint Out.

Paul in Sneads Ferry.

Jon working on his painting.

Bobbie showing off her latest painting.

Mitchell LOVES painting shrimping boats!



Veronica Campos-Hallstrom... our newest member!
Welcome Veronica... we look forward
to having you paint with us often
There will not be an organized paint out for December. Please let the group know if anyone plans to plein air paint during the month so hopefully members can join together for a plein air good time! Mark your calendar for Sunday, January 22, 2012 as our next paint out. It is our annual life class and will be at the Council for the Arts in the Jean Wenner studio like the past two years. Bernie is organizing the event with a model to be announced. The life class will start at 1pm sharp and last until 5pm. The studio will open at noon so the early birds can pick out the best spots! See you next year!

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