
Saturday, February 27, 2010

April Dates to Remember!

April 4, 2010 ~ Easter Sunday

April 11, 2010 ~ OAS Artist Reception at the Council for the Spring Art Show (2:30-4:00 PM)

April 22-25, 2010 ~ Plein Air artists gather in Wanye County (Goldsboro) to paint... DETAILS HERE. I have not gotten any response back from any OOPS members after sending this out at the beginning of the year. I assume no one is going... please let Becca know if you are planning on going... contact info on the DETAILS link.

April 25, 2010 ~ Our monthly PAINT OUT @ 1PM... Location TBA. This date was selected so Phyllis Eaton Steimel and two other members of the group, Plein Air Carolina, can paint with us. Phyllis has be trying to coordinate dates to paint with us the past two years... this is a great opportunity to do so. We may leave the location up to Phyllis if she wants as long as it is in Onslow County.

Here is a note she sent me on facebook...

Phyllis Eaton Steimel Hi, Bernie, I will be coming to Camp Lejeune with two other plein air painters from April 22 to 26. Any chance you will have a paint out that weekend? We would love to join you!


March 14, 2010 ~ Our Paint Out for March southside of the New River in downtown Jacksonville. Details HERE.

October 2010 ~ Our Art Exhibit at the Council... we need to get busy painting scenes from Onslow County... Connie Wenner (Directer at the Council) is wanting up to 5 works per artist or at least one from every artist.

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