Make plans to join the OOPS artists as we move inside where it's warm for our annual January "Life Class" paint out... Bernie has a couple prospects for another live model this year. As usual... the class will start precisely at 1pm (don't be late if you want a good spot) and end at 4:00pm. Model will sit for approx 20 minute sessions with a 5 minute break every half hour. Someone will be there as early as noon to set up in case you want arrive early. This will be a great learning experience for us all as we hon our skills of observation and application. We will again ask for donations (approx $5 each) to pay the model for their time. Here are the photos from last year's session... SIMONE.
WHAT: OOPS! January 2015 Paint Out organized by Bernie Rosage.
WHEN: Sunday, January 18, 2015 from Noon until... Model poses from 1pm to 4:30pm with breaks at 30 minute intervals.
WHERE: Jean Wenner Studio, Council for the Arts building, 826 New Bridge Street, Downtown Jacksonville, NC 28540.
WHY: Simply put... we LOVE gathering with like minded artists and painting from life!
THERE'S MORE: We may go out afterwards to The Kettle for a Dutch-treat dinner and open critique and/or discussion about our paintings.
Newbies welcome... all mediums and skill levels... simply show up with your gear and be prepared to have fun! No worries... there are NO art-snobs in our group!
What the heck is OOPS and how do I join the FUN?